Work of the Claygate Recreation Ground Trust

The Claygate Recreation Ground


The Recreation Ground was established in 1932, covering seven acres and is now used by tens of thousands of people every year.

The Claygate Recreation Ground Trust (CRGT) was set up in 1998 to manage and preserve Claygate’s Recreation Ground, adjacent woodland and Pavilion in an initiative set up between Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) and the community of Claygate, initiated by the late Cllr Hugh Ashton.

The CRGT is a registered charity (number 1180381) and is responsible for managing the finances of the trust and planning and implementing continuous improvements so that the recreation ground remains a focal point for the whole community.

The CRGT is also a proud member of Fields In Trust - a national organisation set up to protect our playing fields and park areas for future generations

Our Work


CRGT Trustees volunteer their time to be involved in a variety of activites such as woodland management, fundraising, building maintenance, event management, project management, marketing, bookings, bookkeeping, stakeholder liaison and reaching out to underrepresented groups in our community.

This is all with the aim of meeting our vision of “providing a high quality, trust-managed resource, responsive to the changing needs of Claygate and the wider community”.

Our work promotes participation in sport and healthy lifestyles through clubs, classes and events.

We want the community to be able to enjoy these facilities now and in the future. To achieve this, we manage the recreation ground and secure investment through government funding, other grants, commercial income and philantrophy.

We hope you enjoy our facility and think we are delivering our vision.


Support our work

 Did you know that by signing up to the Giving Machine a percentage (0.5%+) of your shopping bill can be donated to the Claygate Recreation Ground Trust? It’s simple to do!

 To use the Giving Machine access and again search for “Claygate Recreation Ground Trust” to set up your account. Then simply do your online shopping through the Giving Machine and a percentage is donated to the Trust.

 Thank you!

The Trustees

  • Alan Brown


  • Declan Leonard


  • Ian Cunningham

    Resident Trustee

  • Rachel Jones

    Resident Trustee

  • Tim Nuthall

    Claygate Primary School Trustee

  • John Snelling

    Resident Trustee

  • Helen Jones

    Holy Trinity Church Trustee

  • Claygate Cricket Club Trustee

    Hugh Taggart

    Claygate Cricket Club Trustee

  • Nick Hemmings

    Claygate Royals Trustee

  • Alex Coomes

    Alex Coomes

    Elmbridge Borough Council Representative

  • Lucy Smith

    Co-opted Trustee

  • Ben Full

    Resident Trustee


The CRGT is a charity run by volunteers and we have many volunteering opportunities, whether you want to help on an ad-hoc basis or get more involved. We hold regular volunteer days and are often looking for individuals to assist with fundraising events.

We’re always looking for volunteers with particular skill sets e.g horticulture, woodland management, graphic design, DIY skills, IT, mechanical and electrical, plumbing etc… and of course bags of enthusiasm.

If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity please contact us.